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Writing your SEO article 100% right is something all bloggers strive for on blogs all over the world, and before getting into details we need to understand some basics:
First: The meaning of the word SEO is an abbreviation for the English phrase “Search Engine Optimization”. SEO, in a shorter sense are the rules that make your article appear in front pages of world-famous search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Second: Writing good web content is not sufficient by itself, as it is necessary for the article to appear on the front pages of search engines as part of your digital marketing plan, taking into account all the rules of SEO in writing.
Third: Staying away from linguistically false phrases, meaning writing words after correcting them and making sure of their wording Linguistically significantly, this helps distinguish the content and increase its viewership significantly opposite of articles that lack good language.
Fourth: Using internal backlink as it helps spread information faster and larger,
This will increase the number of views and also help you to archive.
SEO rules are nothing but regulations to make the article appear on the front pages of search engines, for example, including specific keywords and providing unique content which does not include quoting and copying from other articles and the article includes pictures and videos and establishing external links.