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Many are striving to improve their website ranking. The desire to advertise may be strong and they are confused as the guidelines and recommendations in this field are many and sometimes contradictory. There are several ways to improve the ranking of your site and it is safe if you follow them and you will notice an improvement in the ranking of your site.
Content quality is the number one factor for improving your site’s ranking on the search engines level, and there is no substitute for great content. Thus, the quality of the content created specifically for a particular target user increases the traffic to the site, which improves the authority and ranking of your site.
Assign a keyword phrase to each page. Think about how your visitor searches for a specific page (using phrases such as “mechanical engineering lessons,” “best physics learning software,” or “self-motivation”). Then, repeat this phrase several times within the same page, once or twice in the introduction and conclusion, and 2 to 4 times in the content presentation.
Remember that using bold, italics, header marks, and other accent marks really helps highlight your key phrases but beware of overdoing it because it is counterproductive. And never sacrifice good writing to create SEO-friendly content in order to improve website ranking. The best-ranked and best-ranked pages are created for the user, not for the search engines.
You might have noticed that we focus strongly on content. Search engines do that, too. Generally, updating content is seen as one of the best indicators of a site’s relevancy, so be sure to keep your site hot.
When designing your website, each page contains space between the <head> tags to enter metadata, or information about the contents of your page.
Title Metadata
The address metadata is responsible for the URLs that are displayed at the top of the browser window. This is the most important descriptive statement on your page.
Description Metadata
A description metadata is a text description that aims to provide a glimpse into the content of your page at the search engine level. Think of it as a window overlooking your site that contains a short and attractive description of what is on the page, with the aim of encouraging visitors to come in.
Keyword is the search terms that people use to find your page. For this it is recommended that you include a variety of phrases when writing content or assigning keyword for pages. However, do not be greedy.
If you use these phrases too much, the browser may completely ignore this data. As a general rule, try to limit yourself to about 6 to 8 phrases, each phrase consisting of 1 to 4 words.
Focus on creating relevant links within the text when writing articles. Instead of using the “click here” links, try typing the destination name on the link. “Click here” links are worthless at the level of search engines regardless of the attached URL, while the link titled “best physics learning programs” is considered rich in keywords that will inevitably contribute to improving your site rankings at the level of private search engines. As well as the page linked to the site.
Always describe photos and videos using alternative tags, or alternate description text. The latter allows search engines to locate your page, which is crucial, especially for those who use text-only browsers.
And there are many other ways to improve your website’s ranking that we will discuss it on different articles.